(323) 907-0749
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Showing 3 recent reviews for Hoffman Brothers
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Posted on 9/13/2023
Successful Leasing Experience
My boyfriend and I just leased an apartment with Hoffman Brothers Realty. We saw the apartment on Zillow, contacted the agent, and were shown the apartment the next day. From there, we applied, got approved and reserved the apartment for ourself. The process was easy and quick. We had a great experience.
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Posted on 6/22/2023
They just take your money
This company has so many apartment listings and changes the prices on the units frequently. I went to see a unit which actually turned out to be 10 empty units. The guy who showed up was some rich kid with like shorts on and a thick gold chain around his neck. He didn't know much. Heating and cooling was to be shared with every three units and only a couple of them even had windows. But for $1100 a month they couldn't be beat as they were cute. I paid the $60 application fee and they denied me stating my ending bank balances were too low. They didn't care that my bank statements showed that I had been paying $2800 a month for rent. The ending balance was what was important to them despite the fact that the bank statements were shared only to show income! They then told me I could apply to other rentals they had. So I selected two other units I would have like to have rented. They told me no that those properties were owned by the same people. This is a company that just takes peoples money. I saw on one site that over 1300 people had contacted them for the one unit I had initially applied to rent. Then I looked at the price history. In the past two months they had raised it and then lowered it after I was denied. They're doing business as "Hoffman Brothers Realty" but there is no licensed realtor with that DBA.
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