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Hubbs Heating and Air complaints

6784 Loop Road
Dayton, OH 45459
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(937) 265-4339

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Hubbs Heating and Air closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Hubbs Heating and Air

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $475.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Feb 11th. They came out to diagnose a problem with my mini split HVAC system. They replaced a circuit board charged me 475 and it still wasn't fixed. They said it is the circuit board outside. They charged me another 475 and it still wasn't fixed. So I stopped payment on the check and told them I was going with a different company. They are putting a lein on my home and taking me to small claims court I told them to come get their board and leave me alone. They said no...they want their money. I told them the first 475 covered the cost of both parts. They said no. Resolution Sought Not to have to pay the second 475. That they just let me walk away.

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Company Response


Company states; What exactly are we supposed to do? This customer stole from us. She has the part we installed and did not allow us to finish the repair. We even told her that if the repair did not work we would give her credit towards a new system. That is about the best customer service you can ask. We did not even charge her for all the trouble shooting time. Unfortunately, we gave her too much time to pay and the legal expense of trying to collect is not worth it. She is just not a good person for doing this, and the fact that she is a teacher is very bothersome. Hubbs Heating & Air prides ourselves in ALWAYS taking the high road when there is a question of what or who was right. She was having a complicated electrical issue. We started with the least expensive repair and worked our way up trying to save her money, most HVAC companies would have just told her right away to replace it in order to save the headache and make more money. We did the right thing, she was aware that it was trial and error. She knew that we had to replace a board to see what else was wrong. Just like when you take your car to a mechanic, if the computer does not turn on, you can not test the motor. She wrote the check then cancelled. We even had our next appointment scheduled with her to finish and she canceled the appointment, but she does have the parts that were installed and that were bad, there are just additional issues and she did not want to put any more money into it. Hubbs Heating & Air has a 4.8 rating with over 300 reviews. We NEVER take advantage of our customers and when in doubt we make decisions favoring the customers. There is no doubt here. The customer was fully aware of the plan and was happy with it. There are so many bad contractors out there...we are not one of them. We do what we say, when we say and with integrity. This customer is just trying to get something for nothing. How much bending over backwards and loss should a small family owned business take before we stand up for ourselves.

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