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Hunts Point Chinese Restaurant reviews

901 Southern Blvd
Bronx, NY 10459
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(718) 378-2056

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Customer Reviews

Showing 1 recent review for Hunts Point Chinese Restaurant

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Posted on 8/9/2019

Review the customer service and health Etiquette.

Upon receiving a delivery of food with hair in it I called to report this to the restaurant. I was given two options of either getting new food or a refund. I choose to replace the food but also inquired as to why like many other restaurants that I have worked at the did not refund the the meal along with a complete meal. I was met with accusations of threatening her and that she had all of my information including my address name and phone number and then I would be reported. I hung up the phone and walked restaurant where I told the woman that I felt highly disrespected and treated poorly from her accusations on top of being met with hair in my food. At that time one of the cooks stepped up to the glass and told me that I need to be quiet and that I could not do "" this here . I felt threatened so I proceeded to call the police in order to retrieve my money. With the arrival of the police the restaurant claimed that I was trying to force them and demanded that I get both free food and money which was not the case. The police asked him to return my money which when she did so she stated that I did not give a tip which was untrue as I had given a dollar tip. I would never recommend anyone ever stepping foot in that establishment ever again.