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Independent Cartridge Supplier reviews

7119 W Sunset Blvd #656
Los Angeles, CA 90046
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(877) 502-7715

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Showing 1 recent review for Independent Cartridge Supplier

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Posted on 7/2/2013

"Toner Phoner" Scam

Company sent unsolicited toner to our medical office and then sent an invoice for over $500! Our receptionist called the company to tell them we didn't order this and to come pick it back up and they sent her a lengthy list of return instructions including for us to pay the shipping!! As the practice Administrator, I called the number on the "invoice" and received nothing but voicemail. Several days later "Tom" called me back, and I told him we were happy for them to come pick up their merchandise but we would absolutely not pay a penny for the return shipping. Tom then became very aggressive toward me on the phone and started yelling at me. I politely told him again that he could come pick up the toner but we weren't paying the shipping costs since we had never ordered this merchandise. He then hung up on me. This is clearly a scam operation using deceptive and aggressive tactics to try to bully companies into sending them money. It is a standard run of the mill "toner phoner" scam. Please warn your employees not to pay these phony invoices, and not to be bullied by their intimidation tactics. I guess these people have no valid skills, experience, or knowledge through which they could earn an honest living.