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Complaints and Resolutions

565 Route 291
Liberty , MO 64068
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(816) 246-3311

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Instant Auto closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
1 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Instant Auto

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RESPONSE: Refusing to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Kyle Johnson, a salesman at liberty Missouri instant auto was very aggressive and had myself and my wife kicked out from all the instant auto companies due to lying about his aggressiveness stating I was aggressive. I was yelled at, was called a lier and was flipped off by Kyle Johnson and was told to get out. He has since then called all the other companies and made it where they can no longer sale to us. July 21st I went in to talk to someone about getting a car, the manager who's name is also Kyle helped me out. The next day july 22nd I went back in to another guy named Kyle Johnson. He informed me that there wasn't any communication about anything that was spoken to me on July 21st. Kyle Johnson said he would help me out and make it right and was going to send an email with all the cars available the next day. I showed back up on July 22nd after no email and was going in to see if Kyle Johnson could help me. He automatically was annoyed and started to call me a lier about what the manager said on the 21st. He then slammed his card down and yelled at me " here's my card so you can complain more". I put the card back down on the table and said "I already have your card" and Kyle Johnson bulked up to me and yelled for me to get out. I told him ok just don't hit me and walked out. He flipped me off on the way out. I tried to go to another store and they told me they couldn't help me out. I wasn't aggressive at all. Resolution Sought Let us get a vehicle and not be kicked out of instant auto anymore

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Company Response


On July 21st Mr. Nading came into Instant Auto wanting to purchase a vehicle. He wanted to buy a vehicle that we had on the lot that day that was a $500 down payment. We informed the customer that we require a $200 hold if he didn't have the full $500 and that we would hold the vehicle for 14 days. The customer didn't have the $200 and wanted us to hold the vehicle anyway. We informed the customer that our policy is we can't hold a vehicle unless we at least have $200. The customer asked if we could just roll the $500 down into his first few payments. We informed him no we needed the down payment up front. The next day on July 22nd the customer came in and was upset because the vehicle he wanted had already sold. We informed him that we stated the day before we couldn't hold any vehicle unless we had a $200 deposit for a hold. The customer got aggressive and informed our sales rep Kyle that we better make it right. Kyle said he would call the manager and see what we could do. We let the customer know that we get different vehicles all the time and we would send him all the news ones we have for sale until he finds one, he likes. Kyle then gave the customer his business card. The customer threw the business card in Kyle's face and said he already had his business card and used vulgar language while throwing the business card back at our sales rep. The customer was very upset that he felt we should have held a vehicle for him even though we went through our policy with him the day before. We had to inform the customer that we would have to call law enforcement if the customer would not leave. The customer put our sales rep in a dangerous aggressive situation by acting the way he did when we were more than willing to help the customer locate a vehicle that would work for him.

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