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1639 West Walnut Street
Chicago , IL 60612
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(312) 280-7900

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Showing 1 recent review for J & L Catering

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Posted on 8/2/2020

I don't prescient them sending me a bad check or have in my bank overdraft fee that I've got to pay back my bank This is a bad policy on JNL catering they should not send these bad checks out not knowing that the check was bad

I don't appreciate JNL catering sending me a a bad check when I send this check and I took it to my bank the bank told me that it was a compromise check I did not look at the check good but when I got the check back I saw where the city of Illinois was spell wrong and the bank was spell wrong when I deposit. When I deposit the check into my account they cleared in my account on June 26 2020 when I went to go back and check my account I did not have anything into my account so for it made my account the overdraft 1000 and 500 al. want JNL catering To do is pay off my bank account so it can come out of the overdraft fee I don't feel like I should have to pay this because if this check was not issued to me I will not be in our overdraft status I don't know how they got my name or my address that I had talk to J now catering and he said there was a lot of people been calling and say they received one of theses check