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Jim Sigel Chevrolet Honda Nissan complaints

1601 NE 7th Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526
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(541) 476-0811

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the company responded to and gave proper consideration to most complaints. However, some complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

2 complaints against Jim Sigel Chevrolet Honda Nissan closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

2 complaints against Jim Sigel Chevrolet Honda Nissan

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $50,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I had purchased a car and with my disability, was not able to close the hatch and vehicle was missing features I was led to believe it had. I immediately called to try and turn it back in and purchase a used Honda CRV that was on the lot. Instead, they acted like they were doing me a favor and helping me and put me in a 2022 truck. The $9000 i had put down disappeared and instead of putting me in an affordable vehicle i had requested. I was told to cancel my GAP insurance , i told him i did not want to purchase theirs and they added it in my financing as well along with other things i did not want, making my payment 700 a month. Then come to find out they had requested 46000 through first bank and then went to another credit union charging me over 50000 for same vehicle. I contacted the finance department immediately to get those products removed from financing and see where my 9000 had gone, he was very rude , argumentative, and disagreed with everything i had said. His only action was sending a blank , removal of warranty, form to sign. They acted like they were truly helping me while being totally shifty and screwing me while getting their commision on truck instead of the used car i had wanted and afford. If they had told me I was selling a 3 day old car to them and still owe on it, i never woukld have gone through with trade. $9000 i put on car already put dent in price...I saved that hard earned money for him to screw me over and put me in a lemon of a truck and payin Resolution Sought Take the truck back!! They could have taken it back within the first week when I called with first questions of loan papers I finally able to read.

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Company Response


The customer purchased a new 2022 Honda Civic hatchback on May 4, 2022, after test-driving and looking the car over. She put $8,600 down as part of the purchase transaction. On May 11, 2022 customer returned saying the Civic was not working for her due to difficulty opening/closing the hatch. At that point the Civic, even though it's a 2022 model must be classified as a used vehicle because it has been registered to a new owner, DMV paperwork is in process, etc. Trading in a new vehicle that soon is never a good idea. But, if the car is not going to work for the customer's needs, there is no choice. So the Civic was traded in on a new Nissan Frontier Pickup. Various aftersale products that were originally purchased with the Civic were cancelled, and refunds were applied to the new purchase. The cancellations totaled more than $6,000, which was used as down payment on the Frontier Pickup. Our most recent communication with the customer indicates that she would like to cancel the aftersales products that she purchased with her Nissan Frontier, such as extended service contract, lifetime oil plan, etc. This cannot be done over the phone. We need her to sign cancellation forms to initiate the cancellations. It is my understanding that she has had appointments to come in and sign those cancellation forms, but for whatever reason has not come in as scheduled. At this point, an appointment to sign cancellation forms would be the next step. Customer should call 541-476-0811 and speak with Bill Barnes to make arrangements to cancel unwanted products.

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Customer Rebuttal


That would be great if that was how everything had happened. I had never gotten a test drive in the Hatchback. My first drive was off the lot. I immediately started contacting the dealership about the issue. I was not told to come in to "exchange" the vehicle until the 11th! If I had been told from the beginning that the financing from Honda was being part of new financing, I would have NEVER even looked at another vehicle. I wanted the CRV and was shown Nissan instead. I still want to know why the financing amount was different between 2 different credit unions. Not a check on income to give payments of 700. With insurance that truck is more than my mortgage and utilities!! GAP insurance was what was to be cancelled as well as the clearcoat. Which i was told can not be removed. Yet i have to pay for it? There was never an appointment made. I had my sister speak to Bill after we had been arguing and getting nowhere but calling me a liar, She is a witness to many of conversations as well. Of course hes going to say he asked me to come in. I think i still have recording of a couple of our calls and how he actually responded. If you guys really cared about the customer, why wouldn't

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Well I recently purchased a 2020 chevy 2500hd duramax from Jim Sigel Automotive in Grants Pass. Soon after purchasing the pickup I noticed that the brakes were spongy when I applied them to stop I took it in the guy rode with me and said there's nothing that they could do thats just the way that the factory sets the brakes. Took the pickup to a well known mechanic in town he drove it and told me immediately to take it back to Jim Sigel cause the brakes aren't at all the way they should be. I was busy moving and what not so I kinda let it go till the fourth of July weekend on the 2nd I was in wilderville leaving from the house that the family and I currently live in and I attempted to stop at a stop sign that dead ends into the highway well when I pressed on the brakes they went all the way to the floor and me along with my wife and two kids didn't stop until halfway out into the immediate on coming traffic luckily the car coming was alert and swerved to miss us by inches. So emailed Jim sigel about it probably not the nicest email I've sent but them pushing me out the door weeks prior and not fixing something that was under warranty anyway someone could have been killed they have not even attempted to get in contact with me and I need my brakes fixed immediately its under warranty so i need some help from you folks because I told them what I wrote here you think they would want to fix the problem especially if they neglected to fix it prior when I complained about it!!! Resolution Sought I'm not going through them who knows what they will mess up on purpose. I want them to pay a mechanic of my choosing to fix them properly thats the right thing to do im sick of places always trying to get over on people that just bought a vehicle from them it ain't right so please help me I have a family I can't afford brakes on a pickup I just bought shouldn't have to replace the brakes I've only had it 3 months on a 70000 dollar vehicle you would think that they would change them no problem

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Company Response


We have called and emailed the customer. He has not responded. He is asking to have his own mechanic fix the truck, but he wants Chevrolet or our dealership to pay for it. For many reasons we cannot agree to that. The customer needs to bring the truck in, or if he feels it is unsafe to drive, we can arrange for it to be brought in to the dealership for inspection. There will be no charge to the customer for transporting the vehicle, inspecting it and, if a problem is noted, diagnosing it. If a problem is discovered it may be covered under factory warranty. The dealership contact is Service Manager Gordon Nolan. 541-476-0811, or

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