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Jim's Septic Service complaints

435 Plum Street
Merlin, OR 97532
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(541) 476-9726

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Jim's Septic Service closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Jim's Septic Service

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $440.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I called and talked to Jims septic Alice the lady on the phone quoted me $440 to pump my sewer all the way and have it cleaned after like they always do. However once they got there their truck was full and they weren't unable to reach the hose all the way to septic system without driving on my grass a little bit which was fine but it was wet and they almost ruined my leach line then they didn't pump the tank all the way nor did they clean it. I called Alice the lady in the office the next day and asked her why it wasn't emptied all the way when she quoted me that it would be emptied all the way and cleaned out after. She started screaming at me and told me they weren't responsible for cleaning it out or for draining the whole thing and hung up the phone on me. I wrote a review on their website and within two days Alice called, screaming and threatening me that she was going to charge my credit card more money which I did not authorize and sue me. I am so upset that they threaten Resolution Sought Have money returned since I have to repurposed my tank.

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Company Response


Unfortunately this is a total fabrication. Client called on 1/25/24 wanting to know if it was time for a septic pumping I advised client she was over due she asked how much pumping was I stated $440 . Client then proceeded to tell me she was backing up I advised customer pumping was $440 for a normal operational amount of sludge and if extra gallons where in tank there would be additional fees . Client stated they where short on money and could not afford any overage. I advised her if her budget was only the 440 then we would only be able to take the 1000 gallons out and not any overage. Client then agreed Client has a 1000 gallon tank she was worried about not having enough money she kept repeating this through our conversation. Client stated she would be paying by credit card . I advised there is a 3 fee when paying by card . We scheduled pumping and went out to pump the tank fully and went to charge customer and customer became angry there was a credit card fee and was refusing to pay . After speaking to customer as a customer Satisfaction I waived credit card fee they never once said tank was not emptied .I have a signed document they agreed tank was pumped to thier satisfaction. We as business owners would never yell at any one when customer called me 2 days later she stated we did not empty due to truck being full I advised her we went with truck empty with full capacity for pumping customer cursed at me and told me she would be doing a charge back on her card and a nasty review on google and she hung up on me. regarding review I called customer to see why they where so unhappy to try to work it out. The client became angry and yelled at me cursed and hung up. My driver never once went on lawn they parked on paved road. I believe these customer are trying to get the service for free Due to not have adequate funds. We performed the service and pumped their tank fully. We strive to take care of our customers needs Never once have we ever threatened our customers.

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Customer Rebuttal


Unfortunately, this company is lying when I called the company to see if they may pump my tank she never said I was over do I never said I was short on money. That is a lie. She never explained that there was a fee to use the credit card. She did not drain the tank completely. They did not clean it out after as they told me, they would I never even got a receipt. I had to call the company and ask them to give me a receipt that they did on email several hours after they left. When I called the second day to ask why they didn’t pump the whole tank out. She hung up the phone on me after screaming at me. then three days later after I wrote the review, she called my husband and starting screaming at him, telling him that he must take down the review or she was going to sue me and charge my credit card more money. Who dose that? Unfortunately, after this process, I read the other reviews and apparently I’m not the only person that has had an issue with this company. It’s really a shame because the previous owners were so absolutely wonderful. This company needs to be investigated they seem to be compulsive liars

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Company Final Response


t is very unfortunate that customers are allowed to bash a Businesses reputation with false allegations. We as business owners do our very best to meet our customers needs. Unfortunately there are some people who will never be satisfied no mater how much you try. As stated before We did waive credit card fee. But as a business owner we should not be bullied into giving a refund . As stated before customer threatened she would do a charge back and a bad google review if we did not refund her. We performed a service and need to be compensated for it. There will be no refund Due. Also as promised customer did do a bad google review with false allegations. Never once did we say we would charge customers card we have no access to that information. We never went over drain-field and we pumped tank fully . No refunds due all services performed . Very unfortunate there are customers out there to ruin small businesses will false allegations.

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