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Customer Reviews

Showing 1 recent review for Joe Tadlock Auction

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Posted on 7/21/2013

really bad practices

I will be really straight and tell you that I was thrown out of this auction today. Why? I will get to that but let me tell you what I observed first. He allowed multiple people to renig or renegotiate bids after they were made. He actually had an argument with one bidder about the fact that the guy had bid on an item at a previous auction and not paid for it then allowed the guy to bid on more items. He was abusive to his own staff and other bidders. It was in general an unpleasant environment. I was thrown out for standing with my arms crossed. That is it I had registered and was standing waiting patiently for the items I was interested in to come up for auction. I had not said a word to any other bidders or any employees. He decided he did not want me there and told me to leave. I would not do business with this place as a buyer or a seller there are other auction houses that will get you better money if by virtue of not alienating valid bidders if nothing else.