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Showing 1 recent review for Korean Air

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Posted on 9/4/2013

Never Flying Korean Air Again

I flew from Las Vegas to Seoul and had the worst flight I have ever had in my 30 years of flying. Most of the food was inedible. The seat comfort was extremely uncomfortable. I am six feet tall and skinny yet the seat was extremely small for me. The leg room was fine but the seat width was extremely narrow. My elbows overlapped into the people's seating area next to me. There was no room for them to use the arm rests due to how narrow our seats were. These were small problems, though, compared to what else my group experienced. The worst part of the flight was that it was extremely hot. It was hot from the very beginning of the flight and only cooled off right before we landed 13 hours later. Everyone in my area was sweating profusely. There was no airflow, no overhead air control. I finally pulled out a thermometer I had and after letting it adjust to the air temperature, it read 84.4 degrees F. I and the people around me asked nearly continuously for them to cool our section off. They would drop the temperature a degree for a minute or two and then turn the air conditioning back off. It got to the point where men had their shirts fully unbuttoned and people were asking for ice packs from the flight attendants to try and cool themselves off. Being medically trained, I had serious concerns about heat stroke. It was torturous. Again, we were under these conditions for nearly 13 hours. Near landing, the area we were in finally cooled which tells me that they could have cooled it all along but chose not to. I made a complaint with Korean Air after returning from my trip only to be blown off by them. They refused to take responsibility for the terrible conditions they put us through and replied as if we were stupid. Truly some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced. I write this in hopes that people will never have to go through what my family and business associates went through. It was the worst flight I have ever been on. I will never fly with Korean Air again.