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Showing 2 recent reviews for Lifelong Adoptions, Inc.

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Posted on 3/8/2022

Save your Money and Emotional Health

I unfortunately cannot recommend Lifelong Adoptions services after 3 years with them I suffered more heartache and emotional pain and never actually became a parent. The good things Lifelong Adoptions includes: 1) They created a beautiful profile and help you get advertised as they are top hit on google search. 2) They also try to educate hopeful adoptive parent on different topics associated with adoption. Now the bad: 1) They are facilitator not an agency so they offer no due diligence from being scammed and most of their staff fail to recognize what a scam is. My first match the woman was discovered to not even be pregnant, at the time I was green on the adoption front called the case coordinator for help she literally hung the phone up on me said it was my call. 2) Communication is a struggle with staff at times I would not hear from them for months (though the response this review claimed they talked with me 79 times total it may not be about the amount times but the quality in conversations). Trying to schedule a call with my last coordinator sometimes were weeks before we could talk on the phone. She would often be late to phone calls and cut the calls short. 3) They work with several families between Lifelong and Angel Adoptions (look at their organization charts several of the staff are shared). My last coordinator happened to work for both organizations so I am not surprised she was always short with me. 4) I was scammed (working with multiple families) at the final week of my contract. I had paid $20,000 for the adoption between an agency in the mother's state and attorney. She asked for additional funds to extend my contract and I had not even be refunded any money yet from this disruption right away. She indicated it was my fault this match was not successful. Though the director tried to make this right by putting my contract on hold the communication from the coordinator caused my trust to be broken. I did not feel safe proceeding with them due to adverse effects to my mental health that the coordinator caused. In conclusions, though they met the terms of the contract that is more in favor of them then then client. Based on what I know now I would never gone with them to help pursue my dreams of becoming a mother because they no better than advertising agency (marketing company). Save your money and emotional health by looking elsewhere for help with your adoption journey as though they want to create a safe space for expectant parent they do not create a safe space for the hopeful adoptive parent that paid them money for services.

Posted on 2/27/2021

LifeLong Adoptions

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