(570) 231-4650
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Showing 1 recent review for Locators
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Posted on 6/29/2021
If anyone else decides to go this program, good luck
I called and spoke to a lady and I told her this my first time joining this program and I didn't even understand the paper the lady given to me when I first went to the building and she was rude and in a hurry like I interrupt her lunch break. same when I called the office about my refund back on my card, she said I don't have anything to do with it I'll have talk to someone else. It's like they been bounding back and forth like I was being played with…..I didn't spend $185 just to be burnt out of I spent it to find a new home or apartment and then a landlord that called that was suggested on the paper given was rude as well and I'll let my money back and they said I can't get my money back because I haven't been on the website for three months. That's ridiculous because I have work and I be tired and I won't be able to visit the website that often. But i won't recommend this program to anyone. Too rude and unprofessional and impatient when ya suppose to provide the answers to our questions with attitude. I had the worst experience but if anyone else decides to go this program good luck
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