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London, Reese & Thomas, Inc. reviews

1100 South State Road 7, Suite 202
Margate, FL 33068
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(954) 906-5565

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Showing 1 recent review for London, Reese & Thomas, Inc.

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Posted on 8/15/2019

Unwanted calls

A gentleman called our office yesterday and immediately started screaming at one of the office managers there, I just a bystander overheard the conversation and seen what kind of effect it was having on him and so he put him on speaker so that everyone could hear him have a meltdown in real time, everyone including myself was in disbelief. I recognized the voice to be someone that has been in the industry for more than 29 years at least. This guy has harassed me and probably everyone that he surrounds himself around but I don't feel bad because if they decide to stay it's at that point on them. That industry seems to have so much negative energy when it comes to petty stuff. I have left certain things behind in an effort to better my life and am currently working towards some exciting new ventures to better myself and the community that I represent. Actually set to meet with the broward county commissioners office in the next few days. I do not want this kind of hostility around me. This gentleman regurgitates bitterness Anywhere he goes. I slept on rather or not to ware my time on this but sought wise counsel who suggested that I record every call or threat that I receive as I am afraid for my life and for those around me. This gentleman is unstable. This has got to stop as You shouldn't be able to conduct business by invoking torture into other people's lives that's not what our great country wise about. I believe that from previous ventures that this person had a hand in