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Springfield , OH 45504
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Showing 1 recent review for Lowe's Home Improvement

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Posted on 7/15/2024

Never go to lowes

So my 86 year old grandma just recently purchased a mower from Lowe's. Well we bought the mower in the end of April. We could not use the mower until the begining of June. So when we got the mower out to use it it wouldn't even start or crank over. Now mind you this is over a three thousand dollar mower and it even has a 400 dollar warranty that we purchased with it. So we charge the battery for a few then it finally starts but after about ten minutes of driving it the mower started smoking the just completely stopped. Now when you by a mower that cost over 3000.00 dollars you expect it to run when you first start it and give you no problems. But that wasn't what happened. Lowe's sold us a messed up mower on purpose and hard telling how many other people they have done this to. There corrupt and they know what they are doing. We reached out to Lowe's multiple times through email phone and text and all we were given was a we can't do nothing or we can fix it but you still might have to pay. They had my grandma sitting on the phone with them crying because of all this. They have no respect for senior citizens nor there customers. They let the mower sit at our house for over two weeks until finally I think they got enough of us calling places. So they came took the mower them it took the. 2 weeks to get it fixed. Akl Lowe's did was hurt us and offer us no resolution. We clearly told them if you bought a mower that was over 3000 dollars and when you went to start it up it did what our mower did they would damn sure not want that mower. We bought a new mower that was suppose to be ran like a new mower and it wasn't. We don't want this piece crap mower they fixed because hard telling what else is wrong with it.there has to be alot of complaints like this and there has to be room for a class action lawsuit or something because they should not be allowed to advertise and sale stuff that doesn't match the description. Where I come from thats false advertisment. Shouldn't we have been given a new working mower and not some mower they just threw together real quick in hopes that it would work. Then they cancelled my grandma's Lowe's card without even contacting her because we made the complaint. Just goes to show how Lowe's really views its customers