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251 West Kingsbridge Road
Bronx, NY 10463
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(718) 796-0428

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Showing 1 recent review for Luis Pica Meat Market

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Posted on 6/12/2018

For 4lbs of Yuca, $13. For 2 hass avocado, almost $8. Tell me where, I find these prices.

Business info. Luis Pica meat market. 251 West Kingsbridge road BX,NY 10463. For the past few months I've been buying from this location and their prices are way too expensive compare with others business in the same block. I seen they are over charging to people who uses SNAP or credit cards. Things would cost buyers $3-4 dollars more. It's not fair that because people in needs go there with their SNAP, The owner abuse them this way. I complaint to the owner, that why they don't have the consumer affair post visible? I received no answer. They're doing this because of the area they are located, knowing that the residents are not going to complain. This place need to be check 911. Seeing senior citizen, women with kids get abused this way kills me. Most of the items are not mark down with prices, which I complaint as well. Everything 2x or 3x in some cases. Luis is not a business that deserve to be open and have a license. And if this is with the people, they might be avoiding taxes. Please, this area need help. Resident have no knowledge where to go seek for help. Owners of other business that don't sell food are complaining when they hears people talk about it. For 4lbs of Yuca, $13. For 2 hass avocado, almost $8. Tell me where, I find these prices. Target, Aldi, B'Js and others stores you can get them for $3-4 less and for 6 avocadoes. The meat, $4 the lb for than any places else.