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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the company responded to and gave proper consideration to most complaints. However, one or more complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

3 complaints against MagicJack LP closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
2 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

3 complaints against MagicJack LP

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I cannot make or receive calls, despite paying my subscription up to 2024 and paying again on June 13 2023 on MJ prompting up to 2025. I have checked my account #240 44874 and confirmed that MJ has received the payments. Yet still whenever I try to make a call I am getting a message that my subscription has expired. It is clear that MJ is not checking my account and numerous attempts to contact MJ have been futile. Previously MJ had a Chat associated with their EMail system which made such enquiries and problem much easier. Now they have stopped the Chat and trying to telephone is also futile. It is as if all MJ has cut of all communication from subscribers. Resolution Sought Updating of my account to remove the expired message and Reactivation of 561 531 6323 to make and receive calls lek before. Also they must extend my expiry date taking consideration of the time that has been lost due to their inefficiency. Also MJ must reopen communication lines once more instead of < no reply> systems presently in place. MJ must inform me via EMail as soon as the line is reactivated to make/receive calls

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Company Response


Based on the customer’s account review, we show that the incorrect magicJack device was renewed; therefore, we have switched the subscription to the correct magicJack device. The customer would need to reset the device if he does not have a dial tone. He can refer to our help site,, should he require technical assistance.

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Customer Rebuttal


Thank you very much for your kind assistance, without which my problems would not be resolved. Upon hearing from you I was able to successfully put through a call after a very long time, and everything seems back to normal. ''You will note that MAGIC JACK has acknowledged that it has switched the subscription to the correct device. at their end'' Without your intervention, this was not possible before. Also MJ has not made any attempt to refute my other complaints such as the enormous difficulties in locating a portal to send them an Email as well as all other means of communication was effectively blocked, etc. I have taken note of their help site and will try to address the other issues directly with them. Once mare, thanks again for your assistance.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $157.53 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I did not renew the service from MagicJack since Aug, 2017 as the phone service was poor (echoing, intermittent, and other people could not hear clearly while I was on the phone with other people). But last week I checked my Citi card, I rarely used it, I found there's a charge $50.96 on Oct 4,2022). So, I tried to call MagicJack, last Friday late evening ,but it said to call back on business day . I called Charlotte (MagicJack rep) at 561-594-9925 today. She explained to me, in 2017, Aug, I paid $ 107.53 to renew the service for 5 years (2017- Oct 2022)- I want to say I never renewed it since 2017, as the the quality Phone talk was so bad. She told me they sent an email (on 9/2022) to tell me that the service would be renewed and I would be charge on Oct 4 for $43 for 1 year service. So I checked my email, and found it in the Junk mail (9/4/2022). And she says total $50.96 ($43 plus admin fee and tax). And I told her to cancel my service –She said the turned Auto Renewal off and canceled my service, my no refund will be issued. When I asked Charlotte (MagicJack rep) today why I did not renew and never wanted to renew since 2017, She said, on my account it's set to Auto Renew. I have never known I could set Auto Renew on line. I asked her when the "Auto Renewal " was tuned on , She could not find it. I told her ,"why would I renew it even the service was so bad", She hanged up on me. As I never renewed the service Resolution Sought I want the MagicJack to refund my all charges (107.53+50= $157.53)

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Company Response


Please be advised that the information provided by Gao, does not give us access to a valid magicJack account. Therefore, we ask Gao to email with the subject line; Business Consumer Alliance Complaint ID: 98991980 and provide us with the following information for a further review of the refund request. Gao find the account information by logging into • Full name on the account • magicJack telephone number • Complete billing address • Primary email address on the account

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Customer Rebuttal


Consumer states; They called me few days ago /they will refund me the money of one year (Oct 2022- Oct 2023). But, I still want the rest (Oct 2017- Oct 2022, because I did not renew both the website was set to Auto- renew by the Magic Jack).

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