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Martin Landscaping complaints

53 Mines Road
Bristol, CT 06010
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(860) 585-6570

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Martin Landscaping closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Martin Landscaping

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $3,900.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I hired Martin Landscaping in Bristol, CT in October, 2020 to do a landscaping job in my front and back yard. There is a 1 yr warranty. Several of the plants have died. The owner of the company came up to look at the work that was done and said he would come back mid June to see if they "came back." He didn't come up to check them, nor did he call to reschedule another time or date. His crew didn't even use compost or anything else to bump up the soil nor was it tested. Gardening material was never used to deter the weeds which are now overgrown. I am 73 yr old and unable to do extensive weeding. Mulch was never put down to keep moisture in. Original cost was $3,258.52, to date I have paid $1,200.00 of that amount. I am seeking $3,900.00 in damages: $ 1,700.00 material and labor to redo job; $1,200.00 monies already paid in; and $1,000.00 personal injury/time wasted without appropriate landscaping that was contracted for. I tried to communicate with the crew but was not able to do because they did not speak English and the owner was not on sight to supervise them. Resolution Sought I would like to receive $3,900.00 so I can have the landscaping redone by a reputable landscaper. I sent a certified letter to the landscaper February 13, 2021 to express my concerns about the job, but to date he has done nothing to rectify the problem.

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Company Response


Client hired us in July of 2020 to do a planting job. Contract was very detailed about the services we are performing with design. Contract reads. Front of house to right of front door planting of 2 #4 Globe Blue Spruce, 1 #5 Japanese Lace leaf maple Red foliage, and 7 #6 Japanese Forest Grass all Gold. Mulch bed when complete. $1095.00 Left of front door left side front of house: Plant 2 #7 Barberries, and 1 #8 Goldthread Cypress. Mulch bed when complete: $325.00 Remove bed front corner and install topsoil and seed: $175.00 Back fence Line: Install 3# 1 Hydrangea endless summer, 6# 2 Mountain Andromeda, 3# 3 Butterfly Bush. Create and mulch bed: $1500.00 After we planted the plants the client expressed mulch was getting on her walkway so I had put in an edger for her at no cost. Her email after plantings was " The guys left yesterday before i could talk to them. Overall i am happy with the landscping and they cleaned up everything nicely. I like the front better was hoping for a little more variety or color in back. Will that fill in come spring. Also dissappointec some of the plants didn't look completely healthy. Will it damage the plantings in the spring if i add some perrennials? Hope ur well and thanks so much." Now the plants in the back Butterfly Bushes, Hydrangeas flower in the summer. Do not leaf out till May. The Mountain Andromeda flowers early spring. So I explained to her the plants in the back will flower and we can add a few perennials in the spring if she wanted more color. She than sent me a letter February 13 stating she is not pleased with the plantings. I said lets get together in the spring. I was hesitant to do so cause in her letter she said "Is your crew even legal to live or work in the United states." Every employee on her yard that day was born in CT and knows English as that is the only language I know. As a matter of fact the crew leader that day graduated from region 10 high school in Burlington never heard of anyone graduating from a local school that did not know English . We got together in late spring and I assured her that all the plants are still alive and will be leafing out and I will be back mid June to discuss. She was still concerned that the plants were dead. She also express she wanted us to maintain the plantings weeding and such for free. Well I tried to call her mid June and did not hear back. This complaint is the next thing I got. So this morning I went up to look at all the dead plants she states. Not one plant is dead. 1 of the Globe Blue Spruces got damaged from weight could of been snow but it looked fresh to me. She actually came to her door when I was there nd I explained the plants are alive. I also stated there are a lot of weeds and I will take care of them. I said I will replace whatever plant you do not want. She said she basically did not want to hear me and we will deal with it through this complaint which she has used this agency before with lots of good results. This December is 20 years in business. I never had to deal with a client through an agency like this. I never had a client ask if my employees are legal. I actually been asked 3 years in a row to participate in Best of Bristol which is the town she is from and I refused cause I do not want to spend money on advertising cause I do not need to. But I was nominated best of Bristol for 3 years in a row. Not sure of her idea of reputable landscaper. We did the work in October she only paid a portion of the job and I still have not hounded her for it. I told her not to pay till she is happy with my work even though we planted every plant per the design and did exactly what we were supposed to do even extra. Yes we mulched. Yes there are weeds now and it can use more mulch which I was willing to do at no cost. Plantings need to be maintained.

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