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Showing 1 recent review for OceanFirst Bank
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Posted on 11/25/2019
Fix your night deposit screen.
Your night deposit the touch screen is a piece of junk. I'm sick and tired of having to push the buttons 10 times before it works and then I hit cash 8 times and checks lights up I get all the way to the end and it asks do I want another transaction. It doesn't work. I'm hitting no no no no no no no and yes lights up. It's telling me insert more cash. I wait and wait and it cancels everything. Start all over and the same thing happens. This is so many times I have gone through this. I curse all the way home at 2 am after I get out of work. Then I have to try and find time to get there to make a deposit before work. It's a pain in the a**. I'm out there alone. With a hand full of cash. With a major highway right there praying no one comes seeing me from the highway. It's happened more times than I can say. Fix it change the touch screen. It's dangerous at 2 am, alone. Went out of my way to drive there and it dose not work right. It's happened too many times. Maybe you need a different system. Thank you and please address the issue ASAP.
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