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Complaints and Resolutions

Plaza Gardens Mobile Home Park complaints

3333 Shasta Way #53
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
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(541) 882-6475

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Plaza Gardens Mobile Home Park closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Plaza Gardens Mobile Home Park

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $1,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I have had problems with theft and vandalism initiated by other renters here. I had asked the managers for a copy of my original rental agreement as I wanted to determine if they checked for criminal backgrounds here. But Sandy, one of the managers would not give me a copy. Because the managers here can be rude and don't want to be bothered I didn't ask them directly if they checked criminal records. I am disabled. I have narcolepsy and a seizure disorder and this kind of mental stress (where the mgrs do not want to cooperate with reasonable requests) just compounds the difficulty of being a disabled senior alone. However, now the problems have escalated. There are neighbors (I believe these are two younger men living in a pickup)/camper parked in the driveway of space 34. I live in space 30) who have gotten on the roof of my travel trailer (I live in it) and used the back 14"x14" air vent which has a broken latch to enter my travel trailer and steal various items: food, jewelry and etc.. It is easy to hear their human footsteps on the roof. They were using a stack of chairs to climb over a 6' fence to get into my yard. They also use another entry (I've taken photos of foot prints because there has been snow on the ground) that are not mine and no one else comes into my yard. One morning about 2:30 they started to open the back vent while I was awake and lights were on. I have written to the mgrs but received no response. I have a copy of the letter. Resolution Sought I would like a copy of my rental agreement that I signed. I would like an estimate taken of any damage to my roof and repairs made. I would expect the managers to tell my neighbors to stay out of my yard, away from my trailer. I would also like the names of all of my neighbors 4 trailers on north side and 1 trailer on south side so I can complete anti-stalking orders on those with criminal records and any that I am certain have been trespassing on my space for no good purpose. Area code 541.

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Company Response


No one has ever done anything with Christine. Her space is so tight, no one goes close, she has it locked up so it doesn't allow anyone on her property. She's had the roof covered with a blue tarp for the past 4years. No one has ever been in her house, we can't even get into her yard. This has been going on for the last 5 years. No one wants anyting to do with her. She told me herself that she is Bipolar, Schitsofrenic, and has seizure disorder. We even had her sister couple of months ago, leaving her phone number because family members had no idea where Christina was at and wanted to make sure she was ok. The renters that Christina has complained about in past 5 years are renters that are either disabled, have no kids nor were they hired by the government to spy on her. She unfortunately is dealing with menatl illness and we cannot hold the other renters accountable for her complaints. Renters are actually afraid her, so they just stay away. She got the rules & regulations, which is something that is immediately given to the renters when they move in. She's sent letters to space #53 (manager), venting about her life and her sanity. I will provide her with copy of the signed application, dated back 4/7/2016, and I will also include copy of the rules & regulations. I have to say that since she's moved in, we've had to replace our main sewer line because she messes with it saying her pipes are plugged. She's the only one complaining about being plugged, so I think she's dumping her cat litter in the toilet causing her pipes to plug.

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