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PNW Automotive Inc complaints

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Astoria, OR 97103
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(503) 298-9956

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against PNW Automotive Inc closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against PNW Automotive Inc

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $480.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


In May 2021 I had my sparkplug replaced on my 2000 Lincoln Navigator. The cost was approximately $480. I needed financial help so they referred me to Snap Finance who set me up with convenient payments of $80 per month. What they didn't tell me was that the amount financed immediately went to $960 for 1 year of payments! I didn't realize that until I had paid over $720 toward my $480 debt. When I complained directly to Snap Finance, they advised that the full loan amount was $960. I told them that they no longer had my permission to withdraw money from my account. That loan was illegal and predatory. Resolution Sought I desire a refund of a few hundred dollars to reflect the loan of $480 plus a reasonable amount of interest.

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Company Response


This email is intended to provide you direct confirmation that your client in question, Mr. Zinzer, Repair Order 1751 is not entitled to the funds you/he believe PNW Automotive Inc owes. He received the following services: 8 Spark Plugs Replaced, 1 Coil Replaced, PCV Valve Replaced. The compensation requested by PNW Automotive was billed at a reduced labor rate in order to accommodate Mr. Zinzer's living circumstances and financial restrictions. Mr. Zinzer was provided with the options to pay via credit card, debit card, cash, or third party financing service. PNW Automotive Inc does not offer in house financing, and therefore this option was not provided. For all customers who receive service at PNW Automotive Inc; services must be paid in full before the vehicle is released to the customer. Mr. Zinzer was provided the option, and chose to use a Third Party Financing Service: Snap Finance at his own risk and expense. Mr. Zinzer elected to pay for this repair using the Third Party Financing Service; Snap Finance with the following data provided: -This total financed amount IF paid in full within 100 days was $484.50. (The total cost of repair; $469.50+$15 Finance Charge issued by Snap Finance) -Mr. Zinzer was clearly informed via verbal communication in person at PNW Automotive via Loretta Warren, Office Manager. -Verbal communication within a phone call placed to Snap Finance Mr. Zinzer placed when he was initially declined for financing when applying via mobile app. -Via written communication within the document that he e-signed drafted and sent through Snap Finance. -Information provided by these three channels included the warning that without paying the total of $484.50 within 100 days, he would incur high finance charges. PNW Automotive does not see the rate of interest that Snap Finance charges at time of funding. Per Snap Finance privacy policy, this information is transmitted to the customer before funding, and before signing occurs. Our records for the funded loan indicate that Mr. Zinzer was informed at the time of E-signing that his interest rate if not paid in full within 100 days would accrue at a rate of 159.21%, bringing the total repair cost to $963.53+$15 finance charge. Of this financed amount, $450.12 was distributed to PNW Automotive Inc on 3/13/2022. This reduced payment for parts and services is due to the funding agreement between PNW Automotive Inc and Snap Finance. Mr. Zinzer has left a negative google review based on the third party financing program he is having a problem with. I responded to this review. Mr. Zinzer has called our office and yelled at our office staff on the phone demanding a refund of finance charges collected by Snap Finance. Mr. Zinzer also included his very negative opinion about our company based on the credit extended to him through Snap Finance, a Third Party Finance Company. This behavior and treatment of our employees is considered abusive and is not tolerated within our organization. I have attached the document that clearly defines the interest rate that Mr. Zinzer agreed to pay if he did not pay his balance in full. This document was signed my Mr. Zinzer at 5:27pm, which indicates that our staff stayed after hours to ensure he was properly taken care of. As PNW Automotive is NOT the financing company, we do not have access to Mr. Zinzer's personal documents as indicated in this screenshot, however, you can see clearly that the agreement was signed before funding occured. Finally, I would like to bring to your attention another loan that Mr. Zinzer initiated with Snap Finance through PNW Automotive: Mr. Zinzer had already secured a loan from Snap Finance previously, and was aware of the high finance charge and financial risk associated with the loan agreement. PNW Automotive Inc will not refund service or finance charges issued by Snap Finance. Mr. Zinzer is responsible for the commitment he made to pay these fees with Snap Finance, and not PNW Automotive Inc. PNW Automotive Inc requests a written response and conclusion statement following this email.

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Customer Rebuttal


My complaint against Pnw Automotive is far from resolved! Their finance company SNAP FINANCE continues to harassing me Dailey, despite the fact that I paid them over $800 on a $450 loan from 8 months ago. That's highway robbery!

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Company Final Response


Again, PNW Automotive does not offer in house financing. Financing options are offered through various vendors including your vendor Snap Finance. This is the same as if you purchase furniture with a credit card- which is a third party finance company for your purchase. PNW Automotive will not pay for your interest and fees for your financial commitments.

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