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Quick N Mobile complaints

941 NE 19th Avenue, Suite 307
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304-3092
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Quick N Mobile closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Quick N Mobile

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $3,736.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Back in May 2023 B.Tucker and I took out a loan to but me a power chair that was $3800 plus. They say every state has people for repairs. Since I received this chair the joystick has been broken. The bolt that attaches to the chair keeps falling out. We have called them numerous times, texted them with photos numerous times but chair still doesn't work for me. They want more photos and they blame Bill for the problem. No one has come here to fix it. They sent me another bolt, even though I have told them it's not the bolt. It is stripped somewhere.. please help me so I can use this chair or get me all the money back so I can go somewhere more reliable. Cost of chair in total was $3736.00 My son died August 1st and I could not use this chair to visit him in the hospital. Celebration is Life will be Sept 10 and again I won't be able to use this chair. I am completely using a transfer chair while continually paying for a broken chair Resolution Sought Either come here and fix the problem or refund all our money.

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Company Response


Company states; I will start by stating that it is disheartening to respond to this issue here, when we have sent you a part, and SEVERAL email requests for additional information. Stating that we have not responded is simply not true, and dishonest. But, hopefully I can reiterate the same thing that we have requested from you on MULTIPLE occasions, so we can resolve your issue, and be on the same page. Also, being as you have decided to bring a 3rd party into the equation, and ignore our attempts to gather information so we can resolve this issue, we will just communicate here, in the presence of the 3rd party you have brought to the table. On July 20th, 2023, William Tucker, email on file called our office and alleged that we did not respond to an email from him. We never received an email from William -- so we sent him one as soon as the phone call was ended, so he could simply reply to the email. We again requested that what Christy asked for when William first contacted us: Please fill out the support form on Please attach a picture of the part that is stripped, not a joystick mounted sideways. Our techs have requested this, and the form was requested initially. We are a dealer for Discover My Mobility, and in order to resolve these issues quickly, we ask for your help. My suspicion, either the area that the knob screws into is not functioning properly, OR the device is not being used correctly. ONCE WE HAVE A BRIEF 20 SECOND VIDEO DEMONSTRATING THE ISSUE, OR PICTURES SHOWING THE DAMAGED AREA, THIS CAN BE QUICKLY RESOLVED. Please help us to help you resolve this and please do not indicate that we have not been communicating and attempting to resolve this issue. Thank you.

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Customer Rebuttal


Our last message to this business, we asked who their maintenance person in Maine is. We could bring the chair to them to fix it. My youngest son did a very temporary fix on it at my eldest son's Celebration of Life on Sept 10th so I could use my chair. I have sent pictures of the joystick upside down before that and then asked for more pictures. I didn't know what else I could do to show them the problem so I finally filed a complaint. I was tired of trying to drive a broken chair. I am dealing with many medical issues, part of which pertains to my neck and hands. I have a hard time reading this as I need Lazer eye surgery that still has not been scheduled. I have a lot of medical issues requiring the chair but I am forced to use my $200 transfer chair instead. If I am not responding to something it's because I didn't see it with my eye issues getting worse. The chair has been in my possession since May 18 and is still broken. Who in Maine repairs their chairs and we will bring it to them to finish fixing it please

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Company Final Response


From our email we sent you on Oct 6th: Hello Kathleen, We are, and have been attempting to resolve the issue. ALL of our chairs are checked for quality and functionality prior to being shipped. I am asking you for a 10-20 second video of screwing in the joystick knob so we can show our tech. We need to determine if this issue is a result of not properly understanding how to use the chair, or if the chair has been damaged. That makes sense, right? If the chair has been damaged, we will address the issue. I have called you, and left several messages plus sent you text messages regarding this issue. We have requested multiple times to see a demonstration of the lack of utility so we can take the appropriate actions to resolve this issue. If you cannot take a video, I need to have a phone conversation with you. I am waiting on you to help me help you resolve this issue. Please advise, or please send the video we have requested so we can get our techs to identify which parts, if any are affected. Sincerely, Paul Bunting

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