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Red Dragon Booking & Entertainment reviews

9603 Adams Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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(714) 610-8388

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Showing 2 recent reviews for Red Dragon Booking & Entertainment

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Posted on 12/18/2020


Red Dragon Booking agency is scammers that have gotten away with stealing thousands from artists for years. They use cash app to receive funds so that they cant be tracked and use a contract were they don't have to meet obligations they also avoid being sued by being untraceable and use their creditor to use scare tactics when you try to get your money back. They also put in the contract that you cant speak out against them sneaky little devils they are. I speak a life full of turmoil and that they receive a 100 fold back to them every viscous and vile hurt that they have caused others with no remorse. Trust me those spirits don't play and that should have been careful who they f**k over. They have cause so much harm that there descendants will paying the price for at least three generations.

Posted on 6/26/2019

Any AGENCY asking for upfront money/upfront contract is a warning

Save yourself the headache and never pay any upfront fees... A agency should only receive money when they make you money... This company goes through great lengths to hide reviews and past experiences... ARTIST dont let your desire to perform override your common sense... Healthy tips: No Upfront money/ No Upfront contracts... If a agency ask you to sign a contract upfront that is a warning sign...