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Complaints and Resolutions

Safeguard Windows and Doors LLC complaints

12155 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 12-A
Riverside, CA 92503
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(951) 729-5676


Mon-Fri 9 AM to 4 PM | Sat-Sun Closed

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that while the company did respond to the one complaint brought to the company’s attention, the response did not address the complainant’s allegations.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Safeguard Windows and Doors LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Safeguard Windows and Doors LLC

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Safeg installed the wrong style. I lost approx. 40 of glass, my view is obstructed, and rooms are darker. I had a big beautiful view before with 2 LARGE panes of glass, slim frames. Safeg installed 4 small square windows THAT I NEVER ORDERED with EXCESSIVELY WIDE 4-1/4" and 7-1/4" frame widths. Originals were HORIZONTAL single sliders with UNEVEN sightlines, 1/2" frame widths. I requested tilt and turn with 2 LARGE panes of glass, slim frames. Safeg replaced with VERTICAL 2 single-hung windows mulled together with EVEN sightlines, THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. 1/31/23 at 10:00 a.m. I canceled slider door, confirmed by Safeguard in his Yelp response. 11:30 a.m. I canceled the ENTIRE window project, confirmed by Contractor. 1" of glass on all sides was too much to lose and I had to go overseas. 2/3/23 Departed 7-10 months to Wash DC govt training, then Europe. 2/15/23 Safeg FORCED the sale. They refused to return the 60 $5,000 deposit. I had 3 options: Lose the $5,000 deposit, accept the incorrect windows no installation, or pay $3,000 upfront installation. 3/2/23 my elderly mother voiced her concern windows were not what I, the owner, ordered (2 LARGE panes of glass). Safeguard convinced her otherwise. Safeg assured only a max 1" loss of glass on all sides. Misrepresentation. They did a change-order w/o approval, then forced the sale while I was out-of-town. Unscrupulous business tactics. $8,000 + permits $730. It is a financial hardship to redo. Resolution Sought I request full refund and they take their incorrect and smaller windows back. Even the kitchen windows have excessively wide widths 4-1/4". Safeg assured a max 2" frame width on all sides with a 1" loss of glass. I believe they used extras from a different project and just mulled them together, used smaller windows, just filled in the gaps, and covered with wider vinyl strips. I have all documentation that I cancelled entire request. Took advantage of my being out-of-state and elderly parent.

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Company Response


This meassage is the exact response we gave to Denise via BBB complaint and they closed the case. It is tiring at this point, clearly Denise you want to keep harassing our business rather than speaking to your family. We will start by mentioning that we do not require 100 upfront ever. Our terms have always been and will always be 50 upfront and the balance due upon completion of the project. We are very familiar with the laws concerning payment. It is important to mention that Denise is actually not our client and thus she did not pay us. Her cousins company is our client and her family member is who received direct payment from Denise. All this false information regarding payment and the pictures she supplied are honestly harassment at this point. Denise was asked to pay upfront by the other company, never us. In the image she provided where Oscar replies to her in Yelp, it is clearly stated that we did not have direct contact with her besides the one time where she was present when Oscar went to remeasure. Everything was done through her contractor (her family member). In the first meeting Oscar had Denise was not a part of the conversation, everything decided was through the choice of her mother and the contractor. In the Yelp review Oscar replied to, he clearly states that we were not there as sales but as technicians to measure. Getting this job was not our priority as she was never our client. We are not sure why she insists as painting Safeguard as the perpetrator when we did not seek out her job nor did we mind losing out on it. Regarding the cancellation of her order, unfortunately she decided to order product that we do not manufacture (the bedroom windows). Once we placed the order with our supplier we cannot cancel said order after 72 hrs. In the message I can see she let her family member know she wanted to cancel but unfortunately for her, we were not made aware and thus by the time we were informed it was too late. As you can see we informed them on February 15th it was not possible because we were asked until that day. By the time we were informed the order for the double hungs had already been ordered and we had begun production on the other windows. What I see here is that she did not communicate with her contractor (family member) and they need to work that out. As mentioned we did not work with Denise and only spoke to her 1 single time. Everything done by Safeguard was done to the specifications of her contractor and her mother. WE DO NOT DECIDE FOR CLIENTS NOR HAVE WE EVER. If she insists on blaming Safeguard for pushing an agenda or some shady dealings, please ask her to supply you with evidence showing this. Ask her to supply you with a receipt showing we sold her product. Ask her to show you emails or texts PRIOR to the job being done where Safeguard and her have correspondence. Everything she is showing is after her job had been completed. She clearly has correspondence with her contractor and her family members regarding the job PRIOR to it being closed and done; she does not have any evidence prior to the job where we consulted with her because as mentioned she is not and was never our client. We only did what was asked of us based on the conversations we had with our client (her contractor/family member).

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Customer Rebuttal


Contractor says Safeg made the wrong window order and it was Safeg who wouldn't cancel, while Safeg claims Contractor&my mother chose the window type. Both blame each other. My brother recommended the contractor. Neither vendor or contractor disclosed that the job would involve a vendor. If I'd known, I would have chosen a local vendor, not one 60 miles away. Safeg discussed the window type with me at my home and mentioned only a 1" loss of glass on all sides, not the contractor. Safeg never mentioned 4"-7" frame widths. I only learned the vendor's name on 2/15, the contractor wouldn't provide it earlier so I could call vendor on 1/31. Why the secret. I didn't realize I needed to contact two companies to cancel the project. Calling the contractor should have been enough. My elderly mother and I didn't know the specific terminology to order "2 vertical single-hung windows mulled together"; only a window expert would. Lesson learned: never hire a contractor for a window project, as they just blame each other without accountability. The contractor and vendor only cared about getting paid. I was even accused of libel for posting photos of the wrong style provided by the

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