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Showing 2 recent reviews for SBC Smart Yellow Pages

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Posted on 1/4/2021

This statement is a lie

I work for a dental practice and we sometimes have to look up patient's addresses when they move. We use the anywho site that advertises free lookup but this statement is a lie. What they do is say they can't find the person and then direct you to another box that charges a fee.

Posted on 10/23/2019

Stop advertising a lie. It's not free.

I work for a dental practice and we sometimes have to look up patients addresses when they move. We use the anywho site that advertises free look up but this statement is a lie. What they do is say they can't find the person and then direct you to another box that charges a fee. These tactics are fraudulent and should not be allowed. Free means free. Consumers should not be subjected to their bait and switch tactics. I personally will not use the site again and will
warn others.