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Showing 1 recent review for Skyline Security Management, Inc.
Most Recent Oldest
Posted on 10/20/2013
Preying on the elderly - Shame on them!
It is criminal the way this company conducts itself! Long story short.. "Advertising Manager" and "Installer" show up at my 80 year old mothers home at 6PM on a Thursday. They saw the Vivint security sign in her yard. The manager told her they were "practically a sister company of Vivint" and that "Vivint went out of business". He told her they were there to remove her old equipment and install the new. He also said billing would continue as it was. All lies that he later denied having said to my mother. That evening when my brother and I found out what had happened, I called Vivint immediately and confirmed that Skyline Security had conned my mother. We also called Manager and Skyline and were assured the system would be removed at no charge. During our conference call with him he said several shady things such as "We make the equipment that Vivint uses", "I am not completely lying to you" and "I asked your mother several times if she had a POA". I don't know about you but ANY amount of lying is still lying in my book! Also, his repeatedly asking my mother if she had a POA implies that he thought she needed one and was obviously confused. My brother and mother sent a cancellation via FedEx on day 3 (the final day to cancel - although extended by law for anyone older than 75 due to the incredible amount of companies like Skyline Security who con elderly people). Fine print on the contract states that a non refundable $1700.00 fee can be charged for the equipment and installation. My brother made sure to be present when the installer came to uninstall the equipment. He asked for two bags one for trash and the other for the removed equipment. He then asked my brother to throw away the bag of trash. My brother told him that he would rather the installer take the trash with him so there would be no mistaking that something get left behind that my mother get charged for. He then asked where the trash bins were, my brother told him on the side of the house. George went to the trash and was gone for way too long. Upon returning, He asked my brother where the other bag was. My brother told him that he took both with him to the trash. He insisted that he did not. My brother went to the trash bins and on top was the bag of trash and under two big bags of trash was the bag with the equipment. He continued the lie and said oh I must have tossed that in there too (sure, tossed under two big bags of trash). One more name I have to mention the guy that sets everything up over the phone after the manager and Installer got the new equipment installed. When I spoke to him, the same evening they conned my mother, he apologized and said that upon talking to her he could tell that she was confused and did not really understand what was going on. Yet another scumbag who let this scam go through knowing that it was not the right thing to do. At least he had some sense of regret because he apologized to me. Shame on these people and Skyline Security. People who prey on the elderly are the lowest of the low, scum of the earth! Tell everyone you know not to do business with this company!
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