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Showing 1 recent review for SoFi
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Posted on 4/4/2024
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This financial Institution failed to protect me my account and my money as well as my identity from scammers and plishers because on Feb 26th my entire ssi deposit was stolen from me with acception of 20.00 they purposely made me wait til the transactions cleared my account and the money was stolen before they could file the dispute and did the most dishonest thing a bank could do to a person and unjustifiably deny my dispute telling me a bogus lie of I did the 3 p2p payments in my account that totalled 922.00 they will violate ur consumer rights and protections that you are protected by under that particular section of the law and will leave you no choice but to hire an attorney and sue them in public court rather than Be humane and refund your money they are shysty and very shady
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