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Sports Lifestyle today by Priscilla LLC complaints

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Yonkers , NY 10701
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(845) 625-3884

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Sports Lifestyle today by Priscilla LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
1 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Sports Lifestyle today by Priscilla LLC

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RESPONSE: Making a full refund, as the consumer requested Amount in Dispute: $40.00 Amount Settled: $40.00

Customer Complaint


Priscilla Estefani just ripped me off of $40. I met her late June. She agreed to teach me tennis lesson $35/ hr and charge $5 more if I didn't have a permit. So agreed to pay her $40. She had another student which did not show the first time that she taught me, so I spent 1 hr with her. Fast forward to last night, I zelled her my money yesterday after she said that she will teach today which is Sunday. Then later on, she texted me that I should zelle her $30 more because her other student is is not coming and she charges $70 for private lesson. To which I replied I cannot pay $70, I would rather pay $40 and take the lesson with the other student. That's when she said that the other student is "taking a break". Instead of refunding me my money after violating the terms of our agreement, she told me to wait for tomorrow and get my friends to take her tennis class. This morning when I tell her that I didn't find people for her and that she should refund me my money. That is when she stated that she could teach for half and hour for $40. I declined and asked her for a refund, which she still refused to do. She is accusing me of harassment, having issues, all because I am asking her for my money back. Resolution Sought A refund of $40.

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Company Response


I said I would refund her money. But like any business owner you need to save the sale. I offered her a private lesson. Which she received the first time I taught her in which she's refusing to pick up tennis balls which is the part of learning to be responsible. Her payment didn't clear my account until Wed. The complainant didn't want to speak and just text angry to me. She is not a responsible client. She doesn't listen and took offense when I asked her to have friends join her in a class. Since my previous client decided to take a break after taking 4 classes in a row and traveling almost 2 hours for me to teach her, the complainant also was very disrespectful when I told her she needed to calm down and check her bank account as I didn't get her payment until Wed 14th and contact her again to say to verify her Zelle account. She is not easy to talk to or discuss simple matters. If you look at all my reviews before and after her she's the only one whose payment didn't clear for 5 days and once it cleared I credited her back on 07/14 and told her to check her account. I am a very professional coach and I told her to stop with her abusive and demeaning language in her texts to me. I said I would report her too. I don't have control over a group member dropping out and refuse to be blamed for a payment that wasn't cleared for 5 days. She wasn't verified by Zelle.

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Customer Rebuttal


I paid her on 7/10 and she refunded me my money on 7/14. All I ever wanted was a refund. Once she changed the terms and I said no I wasn't interested in taking her classes, she should have done the right thing.The part that I refused to pick up the tennis balls is untrue. I actually looked for more people to take her class even though it wasn't my role. I never accepted private lesson for $70 nor 30 minutes class for $40. The term was 1hr class for $35 and with no permit, she charges $5 extra which makes it $40. That was the agreement. If she didn't have enough students and she could not work with me alone, she should have told me that and canceled the class and offered a refund. I would have understand that it wouldn't be advantageous for her. She didn't do that. I guess in her eyes asking for a refund and declining her services make me difficult and all of the things that she says I am. This whole thing was a bad experience and I learned my lesson. I am not interested in going back and forth with her. I think we are done since we got a resolution. Thanks business consumer alliance.

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