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Steve Shannon Tire & Auto Center complaints

622 PA 93
Sugarloaf, PA 18249
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(570) 788-5894

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Our complaint history for this company shows the company gave proper consideration to complaints presented to them.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

2 complaints against Steve Shannon Tire & Auto Center closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

2 complaints against Steve Shannon Tire & Auto Center

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $200.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I took my car to have an oil change and my tires rotated. My tires are very new tires. I was called and told my tire on the Left rear was bad and I needed a new tire. This is an all wheel drive suv, so I would need to purchase 4 tires. when I got to the shop I asked to see the tire and they told me it was on the inside side wall of the tire and showed me a picture. When I asked how did this happen they said they did not know. When I saw the picture I could not imagine how this could have happened so I took it to my mechanic to see if he can give me some information and boy did he, he said this was from a grind tool and it was a fresh mark because the cords on the tire were still white, if it was an old mark the cords would be dirty. I do no know how or why this happened but I do think this shop is responsible for the replacement of this tire. Resolution Sought Pay for the tire

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Company Response


Hello, Helen Brought her vehicle in for service. While we were performing the service, we also do a free courtesy inspection of the vehicle. We noticed that one of her tires was damaged due to a Road Hazzard and recommended she replace the tire. Helen's car is an All-wheel drive which the car manufacturer recommends all 4 tires be replaced. We took a picture of the damaged tire and gave it to Helen. She declined the tires, and she took it back to her mechanic. Her mechanic said it looked new because the cords in the picture are white. Today I called Helen and she explained to me that she had the picture and she sent me a copy of the tire so i could look at the damage. I confirmed that the tire was damaged due to hitting something in the road. I asked if she purchased new tires, and she said yes, and they were through a friend of hers. I offered to install her tires at NO CHARGE, and she said she would think about it and let me know.

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Customer Rebuttal


I will not use Steve Shannon Tire EVER again! I still believe they damaged my tire.

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Company Final Response


Unfortunately, we will have to agree to disagree on this matter. We have the pictures of the tire in question and have tried our best to be accommodating in regard to a situation that we feel we were not responsible for. We cannot provide any further compensation in this matter. Thank you.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $225.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I called about the price of tires and was told that it would be about $600 with all service. I then asked how much they charged for inspection. The clerk told me $30.95 approximately. The clerk then asked me if I needed an emissions control. When I said yes, the clerk said that's $34.95; which is about what I pay at Ford Fairview for the complete inspection and emissions control. They wound up charging me about $66.90! Additionally they ruined the chrome lugs on my Fusion, said that I had to replace them with chrome lugs. They charged me $50 for the lugs and a $55 service fee for removing the old lugs!!! I'm post operative. The mechanic who came to remove my flat tire days before from another garage managed to get the lugs off of that tire for free! The chrome was marred but they were purposely usable. The Shannon outlet I used ruined the lugs and charged me over $100 for that! I thought they would be reasonable so I asked for an oil change. They were just short of twice the price of Ford Fairfield and never told me my choices in advance. In fact I had to pay before I saw the bill! They were either courteous or really helpful. In fact they just slammed the spare tire in the trunk without putting it back in its place! Resolution Sought I overpaid by about $200 or more.

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Company Response


The customer invoice number was 9153370. We disagree with the customer's statement that he feels he was overcharged $200. The staff at our Muncy location informed the customer of the inspection fees when he inquired. Our PA Safety Inspection fee is $31.95 which includes the $22.95 for labor and $9.00 for the sticker. Our PA Emission Inspection fee for Lycoming County is $34.95 which includes labor and program management fees. The total for both would come to $66.90, plus 6% PA sales tax. He was advised of these fees and asked us to perform those services. We did not overcharge him for these services. In regard to the lug nut issue, we had approval from the customer prior to performing the work. After bringing the vehicle in to perform the tire replacement and inspections, it was discovered that the existing lug nuts were severely "swollen". This is a very common issue with this style of capped lug nut and particularly with Ford vehicles. A Google search of "Ford lug nut issues" will result in many links to the pervasive issue of these lug nuts. The issue was addressed with the customer before proceeding and he agreed to have us remove the existing lug nuts and replace them with an aftermarket style. We did not "ruin" his lug nuts; the vehicle came in with this condition. It took the technician nearly an hour to remove the lug nuts from the vehicle. We elected to charge the customer for a substantially reduced amount because of him being there to purchase tires and getting other services performed. The labor charge should have been nearly $100 when in fact we only charged $55. That is not "overcharging" in our opinion. The oil change requested by the customer is our standard fee. Again, he was informed of the price prior to the service being performed. We did not overcharge for this fee. To sum up, all products and services supplied to the customer were discussed before being performed. We did not overcharge him, nor did we do anything without permission. We will not be issuing a refund of any amount.

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