(402) 858-6420
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Showing 1 recent review for Suji's Indian Grocery
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Posted on 6/1/2020
I would like the business to remove this minimum amount because it is wrong.
On May 31st 2020 in the afternoon I went to Suji's Indian Store to buy a tamerind paste and another item for 99 cents. When I went to check out the Business owner has demanded that I must purchase at a minimum of 8 dollars in order to use my debit card. As a customer it is NOT our responsibility to pay the rent , the utilities , or the transaction fee of a business. He is demanding customers of that transaction fee. . He refused my business and I combined my purchases with my sister. This was AWFUL service. I want to go into the store to buy what I want at the cost that I agree to instead of being pushed or rejected service just because they refuse to pay the transactions Fee and charge customers higher to cover his own business responsibilities.
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