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Complaints and Resolutions

The Edge Fitness Clubs complaints

2800 Fashion Center Blvd
Christiana, DE 19702
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(302) 613-0721


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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our records indicate the company failed to respond to the one complaint brought to its attention.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against The Edge Fitness Clubs closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
1 Unanswered

1 complaints against The Edge Fitness Clubs

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RESPONSE: Complaint was not answered Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


This business has shady practices especially with regards to cancelation of membership. My husband and I were told we could cancel our membership if we were moving to a location where there was not another "Edge Fitness club" within a reasonable radius. We had given notice of our move prior to our move date, and twice after moving to Virginia. We were told to provide proof of our moving (which my husband provided with his government job offer and our subsequent new lease). Edge Fitness refused to consider the official job offer letter as proof, and informed us that we would still be paying for club fees through January and February, all while no where near another club. We had attempted to cancel membership in person, prior to leaving (as any reasonable customer would be expected to do at a Fitness establishment) and were told that we had to contact someone separately via phone or email, as the club no longer handled on-site cancelation. Yet the club was perfectly able to take new memberships onsite. Resolution Sought We would like our fees canceled, and the public to be aware of the shady practices associated with Edge Fitness.

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