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Complaints and Resolutions

The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus complaints

24025 Park Sorrento #430
Calabasas, CA 91302
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(818) 784-8544

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Our complaint services are free and our team of expert mediators will assist in resolving complaints with businesses.

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Total Amount in Dispute:

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $50,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I engaged with this company in early March 2023 which was a slip and fall accident .... I received minimal referrals to Physical therapy for about 6 weeks and the case was assumed closed in June .... since then I have been totally ignored by him and his company with absolutely no claim being made on the person/company who caused and admitted liability for the accident..... I don't know if he received settlement and ignored me or what is the case. I probably will report him to the bar association but first wanted to ask you for help or opinion. Resolution Sought To react to my many requests for action and not be put off again

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Company Response


Company states: Unfortunately, the vast majority of Mr. Mowatt's complaints are untrue. Upon receipt of this complaint, I called him and went over both of his cases. He acknowledged most of his assertions were exaggerated or untrue. Specifically, we referred him for treatment and therapy after being retained for his first accident. He was negligent in his treatment and we constantly informed him about that. He then had the misfortune of being involved in a second accident two months later. Both cases involved disputed and or denied liability. Neither case has been determined or settled. Each case affects the other. I believe he understands the complexities now. I will continue to represent him unless and until a conflict arises and/or a deterioration of the attorney-client relationship occurs.

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