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Showing 5 recent reviews for Top Dawg Entertainment
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Posted on 3/18/2024
Awful Customer Service Isn't Fair To Artists or Fans
I have never had an experience that was both this negative and mystifying in my entire life, at first I thought it was just incompetence but it started to feel almost shady after enough back and forth. So I ordered around a hundred bucks of merchandise from an artist who had just dropped his album and paid 10.00 for expedited shipping. Now 5 days passed and I realized that I didn't actually know when they were supposed to arrive, I checked my email for the receipt and there was none. Then I checked my bank and sure enough the transaction had taken place the day and time I I remembered. So of course, I checked all conceivable folders and ancient email address's and finally looked up their customer "care." First off, no shock, there is NO way to reach a human on the phone. I can understand that if this is a simple transaction, but so far I have gone back and forth with CS over email about 10 times with no escalation. This is a small company and there's no excuse for this. At any rate, during the first email exchange I discovered that I had made a stupid oversight, in paying for expedited shipping I thought it over-rode the fact that the merchandise was not generally available for weeks (TBF it WAS ten bucks from one Cali location to another, but still, my mistake. ) The first exchange was professional enough, they weren't sure when I could expect the stuff though, it was rather vague and they asked if I would rather just wait or get a refund I opted for a refund, even explaining that I would reorder once the merchandise was available. Then began the hell scape. I get an email saying they have no record of me making a purchase in the system, therefore I didn't. Back and forth we've gone, they keep repeating to contact to my bank, I gave them bank receipts as well as the bill of sale directly from them with their letterhead that PayPal has. Once I gave them the PayPal receipts I figured it would be over, but instead they just ghosted for days. I finally contacted PayPal (the guy literally laughed and said he'd never heard anything like this) They emailed back when I told them I was reporting them and said "we are sorry that you are frustrated but you are not in the system.) A hill they're willing to die on I guess. As of now, they have my money and no intention of sending me any items (not in the system you know...) Good work if you can get it!
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Posted on 12/27/2023
No exchanges or returns allowed
They do not offer ANY exchanges or returns. Purchased a $90 hoodie for my son and it's too small. I was informed there are no exceptions to this policy. It's absolutely preposterous.
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