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4719 North Habana Avenue
Tampa, FL 33614
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(813) 874-7000


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Showing 1 recent review for Tower Radiology

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Posted on 10/20/2020

Be courteous to patients, drop the attitudes. Provide outside seating.

On 10/20/20, I went to the office to pick up an MRI CD that I preordered two weeks prior. Due to safety restrictions patients are not allowed to enter prior to prescreening. Since I was there for medical records , employees were called out to provide service. After standing in line for 30 minutes, I asked an attendant outside if she could call medical records to let them know there were people waiting. An employee came out to get info from the person in front of me, then another individual came out to retrieve my ID and cash. The person in front of me received her records, that employee got the info from the person behind me, approved 6min later. She returned with gentlemen's request. Bye this time I'm still there 45min later. Since there were no other patients in either waiting line, I asked the prescreened if she could check on my request, two minutes the employee with my info came out and thrust my ID, CD and money at me and said with much attitude "you don't need to pay". Had I not looked through the window and witnessed her standing inside with my CD , ID and money in her hand talking to another employee while I'm standing in pain for so long. By the way, I was told by one of the prescreeners they are not allowed to provide seating for patients waiting. This is very inconsiderate of Tower since many of their patients are disable like myself. Since certain request are handled on the outside. Train staff to expedite preordered request. Be courteous to patients