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Complaints and Resolutions

Tropicana Atlantic City complaints

2831 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401-6390
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(609) 340-4000

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the company responded to and gave proper consideration to most complaints. However, one or more complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

3 complaints against Tropicana Atlantic City closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
1 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
2 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

3 complaints against Tropicana Atlantic City

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I was told I would get a certain was presented as a view of the casino...... they offered me a different room with the same after a long train ride... Went to take a bath...but the stopper on the bathtub,was rusted out... The tub wouldn't fill up. Just Kept I'm in my towel... have to call front desk... then had to wait for maintenance. Not my fault the bathtub wasn't kept up. Had to transfer to a different room @ around 7:20 when I originally checked in it was 4:38. Resolution Sought Refund.

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Company Response


Thank you for contacting us here at Caesars Entertainment and informing us of your concerns regarding this matter. Our goal is to provide a warm and hassle-free experience for all guests, so it is always disappointing when we hear otherwise. We understand your frustration and we do apologize. If you are ever dissatisfied with any aspect of your visit in the future, please speak with a manager at that time, so that they have the opportunity to rectify the situation to your satisfaction. Upon review they already rectify the situation during your stay and management already have decided during the stay that comping or refunding you wasn't something that they were going to do, because they already compensated you by changing your room multiple times. We apologize that your experience did not meet your expectations due to the issues that you outlined in your email. We know how much our customers look forward to visiting us here in Atlantic City and we are committed to delivering products and services that make it easy for everyone to enjoy their stay at our hotel.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $471.75 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Upon arrival, we were placed in a room that was handicapped. We were not aware of this, until we went to take a shower and realized there was no tub and the shower was opened. After we took a shower, the water came out the shower area and flooded the bathroom. We had to use the towels to get the water up and after that, the floor was still wet, so we could not use the toilet. We spend about 2 hours of our time, trying to clean up and going down to the front desk, to request a change in rooms. Ok so we received a new room, when we walked in, the bed was not made, looks like someone was laying in the bed. We reached out to housekeeping who was in the hallway, but they didn't understand English, and it was hard to communicate. We had to call the supervisor and someone was supposed to come clean the room and they never came. We waited for a while but we had dinner reservations and had to leave. In addition the light in the bathroom was out so we got dressed in a dark bathroom, and the water in the tub was not draining, so when we took a shower, it was like we were taking a bath and we had to stand in dirty water. We called and maintenance came, but the issue persisted. We called and someone was going to call us back and they never did. Again, we spent valuable vacation time, calling and waiting for someone to fix our room. There was also mold around the caulk in the bathroom. Resolution Sought We are requesting to be reimbursed for the total paid for our stay or given an 2 night stay in the newer suite for a future stay at the Tropicana Atlantic City.

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Company Response


For better assistance please contact Customer Relations at 800-542-7724 or email us at [email protected]

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