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Showing 1 recent review for Vivint, Inc. (Headquarters)
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Posted on 6/3/2015
Bumrushed on installation - Wish I could give them a big fat ZERO
I am sitting here pissed and perplexed. OK, long story so have a seat. Last week, the Vivint alarm people came by and my mom told them to come by yesterday to talk to me the homeowner. Well, they showed up after 8. I was showered, in my pj's and doing homework. I let the guy in and decide to get the system for my Mom because she said she really liked some of the features and since she's home alone most of the time, it would make her feel safer. OK so I said yes, reluctantly signed the 42 month contract, paid the $198 installation, and set myself up for $69.99 a month. By the time he was done he immediately jumps into "Let's get this installed tonight." I protested and while I was trying to convince him that I had already given him over an hour of my study time that I didn't want it done tonight lets reschedule, the doorbell rings - installation guy. He stands there and convinces me that it will only be a half an hour so I give in. Needless to say they did not leave my house until midnight!!! I was fussing, cussing, and threatening to make them take the crap out of my house by the time they left. I bashed them on the horrible customer service from the first thing coming to my house so late in the evening and then practically forcing me to get the service installed at that late time of night. I do like the features of keyless entry into the house, garage door opener synced to our phones, video surveillance of my front and back doors, 2 way conversation if alarm sounds and life alert for my mom. But at the same time, I am so livid about the bum rush last night that I want to tell them to come get it and put my old system in ($25/month) before the 3 day grace period is over. BECAUSE I WAS WITH THOSE IDIOTS INSTEAD OF LOOKING AND DOING MY HOMEWORK AS USUAL, AND NOW I HAVE A FREAKING ZERO FOR THE TEST!!
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