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Showing 48 recent reviews for Walmart.com
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Posted on 6/6/2024
To not treat their future and present customers this way.
The canceled item never was picked up on two separate occasions as promised. Window time was 8 hours which was very much an inconvenience to wait. They were informed I was disabled and couldn't carry which I had to do anyways.
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Posted on 4/4/2024
I bought a regular garbage can in the Walmart website few months ago. It's seems as if that garbage can is infested with something very strange whenever I put some garbage in it the smells that come from it is very rotten it's seems as if a dead person was in it. It's is an abuse from Walmart to have infested products to distribute to normal human my health is at risk from that ridiculous nonsense. Whatever is in that garbage can is very abnormal very bad for the public I was hospitalized from smelling that hazardous poisonous nasty product. Whenever I breath that hazardous smell it's seems as if I was breathing radiation. Whomever is behind that ridiculous stupidity should be prosecuted for terrorism, it's destruction. To have Walmart investigated for having strange products to distribute to the public jeopardizing people's health with stupidity. Honestly I think it's safer for people if they shut down Walmart I despise it whatever they infested that garbage can with to have anybody sick is a very serious crime that's being committed from Walmart, it's terrorism, it's destruction.
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