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Complaints and Resolutions

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Sheffield Village, OH 44054
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(440) 949-9333

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows the company gave proper consideration to complaints presented to them.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

2 complaints against Weed Pro closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
2 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

2 complaints against Weed Pro

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $120.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Lawn service business complaint. Billing me for 120.00 when I wasn't there at the location for the last application as I moved. I told worker that I would be there no more and he would be applying the last application. Yes I will say I owe 69.00 but not 120.00. I'm a senior and they call every week sometimes twice and I'm saving all the calls. They send billing out at least once a week. This is harassment! Owner has never spoken with me just office help. Resolution Sought I would like to settle for the 60.00 and remove remaining balance as I did not live there then. Admit there wrong and I'll pay 60.00.

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Company Response


Shirley owes nothing. We wrote off the balance she owed per her complaint.

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RESPONSE: Agreed to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $650.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I have been using WeedPro for my seasonal fertilizing and weed and insect control of my yard for numerous years, Every year I renew service. I complain when it turn out that my lawn has many weeds, sometimes they come out to inspect, and make excuses. Every year I wind up with grubs and other insects that cause skunk and raccoon to dig up my lawn. They come out to inspect and make excuses. This year I paid in fill up front and the technician who was supposed to spread the treatment never showed up. I called and they basically said he said he showed up so too bad. I was home all day as I am retired. He did not show up. I called again and only after threatening to file a complaint, did a supervisor come out. He made a bunch of excuses. Said he could see that the technician who reported to have spread the application must have been mistaken. I asked him have you spoke to him, that, I had been on the phone complaining numerous times and the supervisor sad had was too busy to call the employee. Well it's been 3 weeks and my lawn is ruined because I missed my window of time when it needed nutrition grub control and weed control. He said he didn't want to put grub control down even though I paid for it and it was warranted. They still have not shown up to fix this. I want a full refund plus extra money to fix what they ruined, destroyed lawn from lack of application, that I paid for. I will get an estimate from a landscaper which I want paid for by WeedPro. Resolution Sought I want my money back for the past two years of service, and the cost of fixing it so I can pay a landscaper as this was caused by their taking my money and blowing off the service

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Company Response


Our owner stopped out back in August and spoke to Mrs for about an hour. Mrs has areas of bentgrass, not burned areas and grass is green. Mrs refused any type of specialist that our owner offered to have come out. We wrote off her balance and cancelled her account

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