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Showing 1 recent review for Winnesota Roofing, LLC
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Posted on 6/10/2020
There is nothing this business can do for me now. I just want to caution Iowa homeowners - particularly in the Davenport and Bettendorf areas.
My home suffered hail damage due to a storm here in Davenport, Iowa on April 7, 2020. I contacted Sam Ryder at Winnesota Roofing, who came out and did an inspection and told me to contact my insurance company, which I did. I was never given an estimate from this contractor - he worked solely with my insurance company, which is Allstate. When they came back with a very low number for coverage, I asked Allstate to do another inspection, as I was instructed by this Roofer. It was at this time that Mr. Ryder started sending me inappropriate text messages about "hooking up", as he put it. I told him I wasn't interested, and wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional, which he continued to disrespect. After my second estimate, I had a conversation with Mr. Ryder and asked him why he never sent me his estimate. He just told me his cost of $8,000 and told me that he didn't like working with Allstate. I told him not to text me anymore, and he insisted on continuing to send me lewd text messages of a sexual nature, so I had to block him on my phone. I am now having to get estimates from different roofers because he cost me precious time and plenty of anguish. This is a Minnesota company trying to do business in Iowa. They are extremely unprofessional and I would like to caution any single female homeowners who come across Winnesota Roofing, as this man, who is the owner of the company, is a predator and should not be trusted!
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