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Resnik Hayes Moradi LLP work with small businesses and people to help reduce debt and find mortgage solutions to help rebuild finances for a new beginning. We can help you stop foreclosure and repossession through bankruptcy and loan modification.
Resnik Hayes Moradi LLP is formerly known as Simon Resnik Hayes LLC.Our founding attorneys set out to build a responsive, client-centered law firm committed to helping individuals and small business owners find debt relief. We concentrate exclusively on turning financial chaos into a solid foundation, ready for the rebuilding of a stable financial future. We are proud to offer large firm experience with small firm service. We understand that people get into debt for a number of reasons. In a casual and accepting environment, we will listen to your situation without judgment. We recognize that our clients are in the midst of a challenging time and strive to reduce the stress by giving them the necessary information to make an informed decision about debt relief. By focusing on your financial circumstances, we can offer real solutions, such as bankruptcy and bankruptcy alternatives, including mortgage loan modifications and personal and small business reorganizations. Because the last thing you need to worry about when you are in debt is how to pay your lawyer, our office offers long-term payment plans. Our offices in Los Angeles and Sherman Oaks both have bilingual staff that can quickly respond to your questions and concerns as you explore bankruptcy or bankruptcy alternatives such as home loan modification and personal and small business reorganizations. Even more importantly, our lawyers work to develop a trusting relationship with each client. In fact, a majority of our clients come from referrals from colleagues and former clients. This speaks volumes about our approach and ability.
Interested in Resnik Hayes Moradi LLP FKA Simon Resnik Hayes LLP? Contact them directly!
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California State Bar
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License Number: 182562 Status: Active
To practice law in the State of Calfiornia, attorneys are required to be admitted and active with the State Bar of California.. For the most up-to-date information on licensing status, contact the State Bar of California at (415) 538-2000, or visit their website at: businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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