Member | 60 inquiries | Fire Damage Restoration Services
(718) 775-3223
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Proud member since 05/20/2024This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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We are your local solution for water and fire damage restoration. You will have the same point of contact throughout the entire process. No call centers, or big corporate chains-of-command here
1. WE'RE LOCAL AND WE MAKE IT PERSONALWe are your local solution for water and fire damage restoration. You will have the same point of contact throughout the entire process. No call centers, or big corporate chains-of-command here…just good old-fashioned customer service from fellow Austinites, who understand that you are probably having a very bad day.2. WE'RE FASTER TO ANY SIZE WATER OR FIRE DISASTERresponds immediately when you need help. A fast response is imperative in reducing the time and cost of returning your home or business to normal. When you call us, you'll speak with an actual person who is just across town waiting to help. We will be on our way within 30 minutes ready to give you a 100% free inspection and start restoring your property immediately.At Sr Restoration, we believe in and adhere to our core values every day. Be honest and act with integrity means that we always do the right thing. Be professional but have fun means that we are sensitive to the need to maintain professionalism in sometimes sensitive situations, but we strive to create a fun, positive environment for our customers and employees.Take pride in your work and be accountable. Our product is our reputation. If we make a mistake, we own it and make it right. Constantly learn, adapt and adjust is a must in the unpredictable world of restoration work."
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