71 inquiries | Automobile Towing Services
(217) 875-2200
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They are very unprofessional and rude.. they towed my husband's truck. B4 they towed it he tried to drive it up on the flatbed I told the driver that its not drivable he jumped out the truck and started cussing me up and down.. we go to retreave the truck this morning and the girl in there named Amanda was just as rude.. I asked where the other set if keys were to the truck and she snapped at me first.. I told her about her driver and how unprofessional he was and she acted like she didn't wanna believe me and got all defensive.. so we got in a yelling match.. that whole company is very unprofessional they don't know how to treat people.. we picked up his truck and they actually took the drivers side tire off the rim.. there was nothing wrong with the drivers side tire even when he picked it up to be towed.. we get there this morning to pick it up and the drivers side tire off the rim.. they really need to be shut down
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This company's business is automobile towing services.
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