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Skylark Financial Services

  434 inquiries |

6580 Via Del Oro
San Jose, CA 95119
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(888) 429-1599

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Recent Review

Posted on 1/6/2018

Not a pleasant experience !

Needed a 5000 loan , spoke with Kelly Brown . Of course all was great setting the application up , then was told I needed to pay 400 that was like a down payment for the loan , which also meant I wouldn't not have 4 moths of payments as that would cover that and was some kind of insurance . I paid that , did all the faxing and e-signatures needed (wasn't too bad).Kelly said at that point , the 5g's would be in my account by 9pm that night (did this at 5pm). 9pm comes , nothing in the account . Next day I called , couldn't get a answer for hours left several messages and Kelly Brown called me back about 1pm (company is in California, I'm in NY). She stated the private lender from Canada requested me to pay another 500 because of my credit score and they had the right to do that as it's in the contract . i blasted her saying this is nit what you guys told me and I can't . She said she would lower the price to 400 and they would pay the difference , I told her ok . A few days later I sent the other 400, and told agin it wouldn't be innhe account by about 9pm or before , 9pm came and nothing . Called back the next day and after several hours of no answers , I got through . Kelly Brown says the private lender form Canada requested another 500, I told her no, I enjoy had enough and want a refund as you guys sound like you don't know what you are doing . She said I have to talk to customer service . They were called , and seem to not know I sent 800, they hinkjn gits 400 and told me I would have my refund back by Nov. 29th as that's the day checks are cut for refunds , I said ok and wanted to know if it could be deposited into my account . That was about the 17th of December and was told to call back a few days before the 29th so it will be in the account . I called and left messages and sent email messages in the 26th, 27th , 28th and the morning of the 29th and no answer and no email response from them at all. I called agin Jan 2-6 again same result . I also said in a message to them I do not want to hear I have to wait until the 29 cycle (January) to get a refund as it's your company's fault that no one answers the phones or is there and what kind if business are they running , if a businesss at all. So waiting once again . Final Note : Kelly Brown is very bad at calling you back when she says she will, very unorganized and this whole company is a complete joke . STAY AWAY !

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0 complaints against Skylark Financial Services closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is offering loans for an advance fee.

Primary Contact: Stacey Love
Business Started: N/A

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Capital Financial Service

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Brenda Holt
Kelly Brown