544 inquiries | Home Automation Services
(949) 221-9200
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non existent return policy
I would not recommend purchasing anything at all from this company. I purchased a AR Parrot drone on-line from this company. They said it would ship in 1-2 days after ordering. I didn't receive it for 2 weeks. When I finally received it, I realized the product didn't perform the way I thought it would, so I began the process of finding out how to return it, perhaps for a refund or possible an exchange, all of this had occurred inside of 30 days of the original purchase. I emailed the company to find these details out. 1 week after I sent my inquiry email, I receive an email stating that they would not accept any returned items under any circumstances unless the item is defective. This product was approximately $300. That is a lot of money to spend with no possibility of returning it. They also explained to me that this no return policy is posted on their website. Of course this disclaimer is printed on a link to the site you have to search for. Along with this disclaimer is the statement where they say the product will ship in1-2 days. They chose not to in force the fact that the didn't ship the product in the time frame they commit to, but in force the "no return" policy. I would NOT recommend anyone purchase a product from a company that won't return it unless there is a defective exchange requested. Only exchanges and no refunds from an online purchase is not the type of company I want to purchase from.
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Company Info
This company's business is sales of home automation for entertainment, lighting control, security and video surveillance.
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