114 inquiries | Health Clubs
(419) 841-5597
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I am a disabled person & widow. Ive been swimming @ St. James daily since they re-opened after Covid. They are NOT following CDC guidelines. Masks are not required nor do they follow the 6ft distance The shower's, toilet's, & locker room's are filthy. I know 4 people that have had Covid including myself from the gym. An we were told by staff not to report the fact we got Covid from St. James. The pool has a 6 person limit. There are @ any given day there are up to 12-18 people in the pool. The jacuzzi has a 1-2 person limit, also not following. They have not cleaned the woman's room/shower's since they re-opened for Covid. Mold around the shower knobs , slime growing on walls in showers , & inside pool tiles, including floor's. That's the short list. I have spoken with the manager & the maintenance personel several time's regarding these issues . Obvious to no avail. To this day I have never seen anyone clean anything. Three other people have developed skin rashes that look like welts. I went to my Dermatologist & they told me whatever they're putting in the pool is what is causing the welts. I STRONGLY SUGGEST finding another fitness center. If you have Silver Sneakers you can go free @ other fitness centers. There are a lot of other places that have indoor swimming & are emaculat. Super fitness on Alexis, YMCA , LA FITNESS, an the list goes on. The manager Courtney & the Maintenance person Barry need to either step up or quit before even more people leave.
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This company's business is health clubs.
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