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Proud member since 02/11/2014This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Tekton Construction & Restoration Inc provides restoration and emergency services in all cities and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
We specialize in restoration and reconstruction of fire, smoke and flood damaged properties. The Tekton team has the expertise and unique set of skills to fully restore your property. Due to hidden and oftentimes hard to detect damages caused by fire, water and smoke, restoring fire damaged properties is not the same as new construction or a simple remodel. Also, from the estimating to the actual reconstruction; the design, building materials and all finishes have to be matched to pre-fire condition. Hence, a specific skill-set and knowledge is required to ensure that the job is done correctly and in the most efficient manner. You can trust that our team has the experience, insight and ability to ensure that your home or property will be completely and properly restored. Our team will assist you by providing: 1) Emergency services;2) Estimate of repairs to submit to insurance company:3) Design and drafting services;4) Obtain all required permits:5) Full service restoration: we manage all phases and details, from initial estimate to final inspection;6) Guarantee: smoke-odor free environment;7) Experienced and skilled project managers;8) High customer satisfaction.
Interested in Tekton Construction & Restoration Inc? Contact them directly!
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 990423 Status: Active
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