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Proud member since 03/24/2022This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Company Info
Temi B is the name of the owner, manufacturer and designer of this jewelry company.
Temi was born in New York but grew up in South Africa, where her father was a sight-holder and member of De Beers Diamond Trading Company. Her father had diamond factories where he polished rough diamonds. It was there that she developed a love of diamonds and jewelry.She immigrated to New York in the early 70’s where she got her higher education. In 1977 she moved with her husband to Los Angeles. In 1984 she decided to go into the diamond and jewelry business. She manufactured jewelry in 18k and 14k, and worked in the jewelry trade shows promoting her Temi B jewelry Line.Her specialty is to create a line of higher end designer merchandise providing the customer with fashionable and up to date jewelry. She creates designs using diamonds pearls and colored stones at reasonable prices.
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