282 inquiries | Gold, Silver, and Platinum Dealers
(951) 354-2358
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This company's business is buying gold, diamonds, silver, and platinum.
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Before selling your scrap gold or jewelry it would be wise to get a few pre-sale opinions on what your gold is actually worth. You can usually find out the approximate value by taking it to a jeweler or pawn broker and asking for an evaluation. Keep in mind that the price can and does change all the time as the actual spot price of precious metals may flucuate daily. ~~When looking for a reputable gold refiner or dealer see how long they have been in business. Generally companies who have been in business a number of years have built up a reputation that they wish to maintain and more than likely don’t make a habit out of ripping off their customers. Also check out the company’s website and check out their buying and selling policies. See how much they pay out and how they go about handling your gold and if they have insurance. While you are at the site write down their address if they have one listed. No address on the website may be a tip off to a rip off. Check the address to see if it is a real address and not just a P.O. Box. ~~If possible always deal with gold refiners who own their own refinery. Any company that does not has to sell to a refiner themselves and in turn payout less so that they can turn a profit. Most con artists don’t actually own their own refinery – they just act as middleman. Selling to a gold refiner who owns their own gold refinery is best way to get the most cash for your gold. Keep in mind that you are not required to take any gold refiner’s or gold dealer’s first offer. If you’re not happy with it and you know that your gold is worth more try to negotiate a better offer. If they will not raise their offer or you are just not happy with it you can always request for them to send your gold back.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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