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US Government Grant Scams

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(202) 836-7248

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14 complaints closed in last 3 years.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 2/21/2023

A lady name Sharon Melony told me I could get a government grant. She said it was free but a 300 filing fee. It went from 300 to 1800. She also said she has a IRS team delivering the grants. She got me for 800 dollars and I know she's gotten many more people.

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

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Our complaint history for this company shows that the business has not responded to customer complaints brought to its attention.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

14 complaints against US Government Grant Scams closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
14 Unanswered

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Company Info

This is a telemarketing scam company offering free grants.

Primary Contact: Various
Business Started: N/A

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Comments and Analysis

Business Consumer Alliance urges consumers to use caution if you are called or contacted by anyone claiming you have free money coming to you or are eligible for a grant that you have not applied for. It is a scam. A real government agency will not ask you to pay fees to get a grant. Be wary of requests sent over social media, by email, in the mail, or over the phone. The crooks may ask you to make payment by wire transfer via Western Union or MoneyGram, or by pre-paid or reloadable cards such as Green Dot Money Packs, gift cards, debit or credit cards. You should never give your personal information to anyone you have not vetted and always keep your banking information confidential. Some scammers pose as government agencies or may use official sounding or look-alike names to confuse consumers into believing the offer is legitimate. Many even disguise their phone number to look like they are calling from Washington, D.C. or a government agency, so don’t be so quick to trust caller I.D.  Also, another telltale sign of a scam is if the scammer claims to be from a government agency but corresponds through Gmail or Yahoo type email address. Government agencies generally use “.gov” domains.

One way to check the authenticity of a grant offer is to directly contact the agency or entity that is allegedly providing the grant. This can clue you in to the scam right away if the entity is not offering grants. If you run into a scam, report the scheme immediately by filing a complaint with BCA. If you have paid money to a scam, time is of the essence. Contact whomever you made the payment through immediately to see if the transaction can be stopped or if a refund can be obtained. In some cases, acting quickly has helped in recovering money, but since scammers work quickly, getting your money back may not be possible. It is best not to get swindled in the first place by recognizing the warning signs mentioned above. And be sure to share the information with those you know so they can avoid falling victim too.

Some helpful resources to use if you’re looking for federal financial assistance are: – The official place for information on federal grant-making agencies. – Information on qualifying and applying for grants, loans, and other financial aid for education beyond high school. – Provides lists of federal loans for housing, disaster relief, education, veterans, and other needs. – Search for benefits and money to assist in job training, childcare assistance, healthcare and other resources available in your state.

Other Considerations

We advise careful consideration if you are thinking about responding to solicitations or ads for "free" grant money. Companies that telemarket or place government grant ads, have no affiliation with the government, but rather, are third parties attempting to capitalize on information that can be obtained for free from government agencies or websites.

Government grants are not designed to provide a means for you to pay your bills or have extra spending money. Generally, obtaining a grant is a complicated process requiring documentation and research, and is primarily for education, research, and business purposes. Although foundations may exist whose requirements are based on personal preference, the vast majority requires applicants to meet very specific guidelines they have established to even qualify.

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Grant Scams
Government Grant Scams
US Government Department of Housing Human Service Scam
Department of Health and Human Services Grant Scam
Grant Scam

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Mike Paspal
Nick Walters
Thomas Manson
Christen Bell
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