Member | 618 inquiries | Tax Preparation Services
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Proud member since 02/07/2011This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Valued Accounting Services is providing tax preparation services.
Our firm provides outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to the three underlying principles of professionalism, responsiveness and quality.Our firm is one of the leading firms in the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the energy of our staff, each client receives close personal and professional attention.Our high standards, service and specialized staff spell the difference between our outstanding performance, and other firms. We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of our whole firm.Our firm is responsive. Companies who choose our firm rely on competent advice and fast, accurate personnel. We provide total financial services to individuals, large and small businesses and other agencies.To see a listing of our services, please take a moment and look at our services page. Because we get new business from the people who know us best, client referrals have fueled our growth in the recent years.Through hard work, we have earned the respect of the business and financial communities. This respect illustrates our diverse talents, dedication and ability to respond quickly.
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California law requires tax preparers to register with the California Tax Education Council, (CTEC) and to post bond in the amount of $5,000.To verify registration status, contact the CTEC by writing to, P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA 95812-2890, or call (877) 850-2832, or send an email to [email protected]. The CTEC also maintains a website for online searches at For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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