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Walmart Supercenter #1741

  31 inquiries |
Department Stores

939 North Dupont Blvd.
Milford, DE 19963
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(302) 422-2854

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Recent Review

Posted on 7/21/2020

Stop letting people coming in there without mask.

I am a customer of Milford Walmart and on July 19,2020 there was customers in the store when no masks on their face. the security guard standing at the door and an employee of Walmart at the door they let them in the store. it's not fair they should be doing their job and not letting nobody in the store with no masks on their face because that person could be sick and spreading it to everybody in the store even kids. I am a mother of four and I refuse for my kids to get sick so if you guys just do your job and make sure that don't happen no more I will truly appreciate it. there's been a couple people at Milford Walmart that has had the coronavirus and they never shut the store down and cleaned it the people that was in the store on July 19th was in the produce area where there is food touching it without a mask on their face as a concerned citizen and a mother I think people need to do their job and allow this not to happen more because apparently nobody at Walmart cares about their employees being fined is not going to fix the problem being shut down is better off because these people don't understand there's a virus going around. people are dying and something's has to be done please if you have kids and a family think about if it was them and they was in the store and go sick because people don't listen peoples going to have to be more strict about this cuz apparently nobody wants to listen opening up stuff is not helping it needs to stop

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0 complaints against Walmart Supercenter #1741 closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

This company's business is a department store.

Primary Contact: Store Manager
Business Started: N/A

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